Conferences and Workshops
2020-10-15: BSides Delhi - Analysing programs through dynamic instrumentation with QBDI by Tom Czayka and Nicolas Surbayrole
2020-06-29: Pass The Salt - Why are Frida and QBDI a Great Blend on Android? by Tom Czayka
2019-04-23: French-Japan cybersecurity workshop - Fuzzing binaries using Dynamic Instrumentation by Paul Hernault
2017-12-28: 34C3 conferences - Implementing an LLVM based Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework by Charles Hubain and Cédric Tessier
Blog Post
2020-08-18: Introduction to Whiteboxes and Collision-Based Attacks With QBDI by Paul Hernault
2020-08-04: Why are Frida and QBDI a Great Blend on Android? by Tom Czayka
2019-09-10: QBDI 0.7.0
2019-06-03: Android Native Library Analysis with QBDI by Romain Thomas
2018-01-24: Slaying Dragons with QBDI by Paul Hernault